Friday, July 23, 2010

Getting ready....

The Phantom headed down to Riviera on the weekend to get some last minute work done before the trip North. So, in typical Mr Walker fashion he decided to turn it into a heavy tackle fishing trip. No luck with the fish but some whales were sighted and a good day was had on the water, which is what it's all about! Sadly no one on board had a camera wheh it came to the whales, but here's a shot of Ian and Col enjoying the trip down the coast.
It looks like the day to set sail is 14 August, with a slow run planned up to Townsville, via Daydream Island. The Phantom will contest the Mike Carney 2010 Townsville Billfish Challenge where it will be great to catch up with some old friends and have a good time. From Townsville we will head north to Cairns for the heavy tackle season and get stuck into the big blacks! The Phantom already has a charter for the 2010 24th Black Marlin Classic at Lizard Island but we have plenty of free space in the schedule for you to join us and catch the fish of your dreams.

While the journey north is getting closer and we are busily preparing, The Phantom crew have made time to duck over to New Zealand next week for some skiing and fun. Until we return, tight lines and I promise to get a photo of the skipper on skis up on the blog as soon as possible! Have a good one...