Monday, January 7, 2013

2012/13 Wrap up!

Well it's been a while between posts - apologies but in reality the fishing really hasn't been all that much to write home about! Until late 2012 anyway. The Phantom headed out to the light tackle grounds off Moreton Island on December 1st and managed to tag 3 from 4 black marlin - two for Rene and one for Jess on 6 kg line, after overnighting at Bulwer we headed back out and pinned another one for Rene before heading home. This was the beginning of a big couple of months, with The Phantom tagging 23 black marlin for the season to date. This includes a couple of great days, 7 in a day, 6 in a day, two 4 fish days and a couple of 2 fish days. It all adds up to a lot of fun for the anglers and crew!
This sport isn't without its dangers however, we had a visitor on board on Saturday, thanks to quick action from the deckie (Daniel) and some quick reflexes no one was hurt, it does highlight the importance of staying alert, particularly when these little black marlin are going crazy... video link to come soon, but here are some photos!