Wednesday, June 30, 2010

More Reef fish!!

The Phantom headed out yesterday to that same "secret spot" off Moreton. Rene and Ian had Rene's brothers Pat and Con and Nephew Andrew on board, along with Phantom regulars Col and Barb, Daniel was also on board, doing a great job on the deck. One of those magic days was had on the water and the fish played the game also.

Pat landed this snapper which won him the on board competition.

Not to be outdone Con got in on the action.

Then Pat showed him up with a kingfish.

A great day was had by all and the fresh snapper tasted great for dinner last night.


  1. Where the bloody hell are ya.
    Great fish. Well done
    This is Carmel, I don't how to post other than anonymous

  2. Hey Carmel - I think if you select name/URL in the drop down box you can post as your name!! The guys had a ball - Pat's head is having trouble fitting through the doorways!
