Friday, August 27, 2010


You know you are headed further North when the warm water pelagics show up!! Rene got this nice dinner sized Mackeral on the trip from Airlie Beach to Cape Bowling Green. The Phantom is headed to Bowling Green to round up some marlin before the Townsville comp next week! Here's hoping there are some fish around.

Monday, August 23, 2010


The Phantom has spent the last few nights tied up at Daydream Island - it's a hard life for some! Sources tell me Rene has been making the most of the activities and good times are being had by all.

The weather is due to change tomorrow - at least that's what Barb tells us - she is heading up to Daydream and says the weather always turns when she gets there!

And just to make those of us shivering down here in Brisbane even more jealous - Rene got sunburned the other day and is complaining about the humidity!!

Ian and Rene continue to enjoy themselves - so much so that there is not too much to report. Fingers crossed for good weather and some fishing action!!

Birthday wishes go out to Simone - a great party yesterday at Danny's Restaurant, Ian and Rene are sorry they couldn't make it but I have told them we shared a drink for them!!

The fabulous birthday girl!!

Cheers to Ian and Rene - wish you were here!!

Frank and Simone

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Another magic day...

This trip is going too well for Ian and Rene. Blessed with glamour weather, we can only hope it is a good sign for the season to come - but that might be hoping for too much!!

Currently 45nm from Daydream Island and coming up on Brampton Island, Ian and Rene spent another night in complete calm at anchor of Keswick Island. A 40cm Coral Trout provided dinner which was fried in panko crumbs, served with potatoes and salad which in the skipper's words "Would even put Masterchef to shame!" This is just a taste of the kinds of meals that can be expected on board your Phantom fishing charter.

Typically a day at charter will start with snorkelling over the Great Barrier Reef while Rene prepares breakfast. Cereals, yoghurt, juice, tea and coffee are available from when you wake - and the cooked breakfast of fresh fish, bacon and eggs or eggs benedict will be waiting after the morning's activities. After this some "bait" fishing and light tackle playing will take place until you pop out of the reef and go hunting for the big black marlin. Morning tea is usually something freshly baked by Rene and lunch will be either fresh meat and salad rolls, pasta or a number of other options. Once a couple of fish have been tagged, and if you are looking for more food, afternoon tea will be served which changes every day. After the days fishing a return to the reef will provide ample opportunity for reef fishing and fun while Rene prepares the 3 course dinner. You can certainly see why the boat often sits a little lower in the water on the way back as people are certainly well fed!!

The Phantom has spots left for charters like this and can also accommodate your one day charters. Call us to arrange your trip of a lifetime!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm sure this is just to make us jealous!!

This just in - anchored for the night at Great Keppel after another amazing day on the water.

To make things worse this was accompanied by a phone call letting me know that the seas were flat and they had a lovely lunch of fresh spanner crab and avocado sandwiches.
A non eventful day in all but this is the stuff dreams are made of!!

On the way..

After an hour delay on departure - due in part to the send off drinks the night before! The Phantom started the journey north on Saturday. A magic day on the water saw a safe crossing of the wide bay bar and anchorage for the night at Gary's Anchorage at the southern end of the Great Sandy Strait.

From all reports it was just like sleeping in bed at home - not even a lapping of water against the boat. A problem the next morning - Ian and Rene will either have to set an alarm or not sleep with the blackout covers on the hatches - another late start!! Lucky they aren't too locked into their schedule.

After a magic morning cruising up the strait they were met with a little swell when they popped out the northern end - nothing too bad but enough to make them appreciate the smooth ride they'd had so far!

Last night was spent in Bundaberg - first fuel stop and reports that 1200L took The Phantom from Scarborough to Bundaberg. While at the fuel wharf Ian and Rene negotiated a trade off with one of the trawlers unloading his catch - Carona for spanner crab swap - they will be good for lunch tomorrow!!

Last night was spent in Bundaberg Harbour and dinner at the restaurant at the marina. A nice easy night and they are back on the water today!

Safe travels and we look forward to the updates.

It's amazing what you can pick up on the troll!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Almost there...

The Phantom heads off tomorrow and after a week in New Zealand, Ian and Rene are craving the warmer climates!!!

I didn't get a pic of the skipper on skis - he and Rene preferred the safer option of getting down the mountain!!

First stop tomorrow will be the Sandy Straits. Weather and timing is looking good for a 6am departure and a safe crossing through the bar. After this Sunday will be spent cruising up the inside of Fraser with arrival at Daydream Island later next week - easy for some!!

Ian and Rene have been busily preparing and the boat is ready to go. I haven't been able to lock down from the skipper the exact plan for the trip but I do know there is an appearance scheduled at Townsville tournament and Lizard Island has also been booked in. I am trying to convince him to stay North for the Ribbons Ladies comp in early December but we will see!!

There are still spots available to lock in the fishing trip of your lifetime. Contact HQ to find out more.

As Ian and Rene prepare to leave, we wish them safe travels and look forward to the updates!