Monday, August 16, 2010

On the way..

After an hour delay on departure - due in part to the send off drinks the night before! The Phantom started the journey north on Saturday. A magic day on the water saw a safe crossing of the wide bay bar and anchorage for the night at Gary's Anchorage at the southern end of the Great Sandy Strait.

From all reports it was just like sleeping in bed at home - not even a lapping of water against the boat. A problem the next morning - Ian and Rene will either have to set an alarm or not sleep with the blackout covers on the hatches - another late start!! Lucky they aren't too locked into their schedule.

After a magic morning cruising up the strait they were met with a little swell when they popped out the northern end - nothing too bad but enough to make them appreciate the smooth ride they'd had so far!

Last night was spent in Bundaberg - first fuel stop and reports that 1200L took The Phantom from Scarborough to Bundaberg. While at the fuel wharf Ian and Rene negotiated a trade off with one of the trawlers unloading his catch - Carona for spanner crab swap - they will be good for lunch tomorrow!!

Last night was spent in Bundaberg Harbour and dinner at the restaurant at the marina. A nice easy night and they are back on the water today!

Safe travels and we look forward to the updates.

It's amazing what you can pick up on the troll!!

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