Friday, November 19, 2010

Beautiful one day....

35 knots the next!! After an absolutely magic day on the water yesterday, the weather turned nasty this morning. When I heard from the skipper at lunchtime they were headed back to port in an attempt to dodge a nasty weather system.

Sounds like they have all had a great time in this quick overnighter. Linden Bank was like a carpark yesterday but very few fish between boats. The guys aboard managed to get a couple of mahi mahi and had fun.

This morning they finshed up with a mackeral each and were very happy customers. Unfortunately there are no guarantees in fishing and the pointy nosed ones weren't biting, but this trip was a perfect example of the fun that can be had!!

This was our last official charter for the season and we thank the guys for coming aboard. Ian and Rene have a few days left up North, with Caitlin heading up to join them for a few days, before heading home!

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